
Mikronährstoffe, Coaching, Erfolg


"Anything that does not protect human beings' biology and promote their biochemistry is a risk factor for various diseases" (Dr. E. Etoung).

What if you permanently take medication? Did you know that a permanently consumptiob of ASS  can lead to vitamin C and iron deficiency? Vitamin C protects against gastric mucosal damage, while iron deficiency causes anemia. These two deficiencies affect the cell biology and biochemistry (chemistry of life). As a result, you can develop stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers are treated with an acid inhibitor, Pantozol.

Pantozol makes vitamin B12 deficient in a long term. Vitamin B12 is very important for homocysteine metabolism. When vitamin B12 is deficient, homocysteine levels increase. Homocysteine is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, but also for Alzheimer's dementia. This drug can destroy your life (biology) and chemistry of life (biochemistry). The physician is not always aware of these interactions.

Preserving life, protecting, and restoring health is a medical task.

Therefore, promoting physical health means protecting the life (biology) of the cell and promoting its biochemistry (chemistry of life), because the cell bears life. What should be treated is not the disease, but Life. Therapy at the expense of biology and biochemistry is destruction of life.

If Pantozol is one of your daily medications, have your vitamin B12 levels be checked immediately.

We will be happy to review your medications and determine which ones are affecting your micronutrient balance. Without these vital elements the chemistry of life (biochemistry) is not possible.

Dr. E. Etoung

Founder of Motivational Medicine

Doctor of internal medicine, gastroenterology,

proctology, micronutrient medicine