Seminars & Lectures:
How are you doing today?
Motivational seminar for "patients" and doctors
As a health care institution, a specialized department,
or a self-help group do you want to offer your "patients" something out of the ordinary, beyond diagnostics and therapy, or train your doctors in patient motivation?
Then, book Dr. Etoung for a motivational seminar
or motivation lecture for your patients or a motivation training for doctors.
The patient seminar teaches self-confidence. How do I prepare for an inpatient stay?
“Patients” of all specialties can participate in this seminar, as well as patients who are scheduled for a major surgical procedure.
At the motivational seminar for physicians, doctors learn how to motivate their "patients."
The seminar also provides knowledge about the concept of motivational medicine.
The Growth Seminar: 'unlimited Growth':
(The Doctor as consultant in leadership, management).
The four largest companies in the world together employ 6683072 people. Do you know how many "employees" the human body employs? 100 trillion cells an unimaginable number for our companies. Here leadership and management are required at the highest level. Both leadership and management are separated from each other. It is not uncommon in business for leadership to take on management tasks without knowing it. The doctor deals every day with a 100 trillion "employee"-company. Actually, this makes the doctor an optimal consultant. However, the doctor has never seen the human body from this point of view.
He sees himself only in connection with illness. This is usually the main reason why he is visited. Dr. Emmanuel Etoung lectures in your company will demonstrate how business growth and employee motivation can work together. Dare to go the innovative way.
Lectures on topics:
Motivation (Motivational Medicine, Life Motivation, Self Motivation, Employee Motivation, Growth Motivation, Patient Motivation, Collective Growth, etc. ...), Boundless (unlimited) Growth.
•Life oriented coaching
•Personality development
•Coping with illness and life